Sunday, July 03, 2011


Author: Patrick Carman
Genre: YA Fiction,
Skeleton Creek Series #3
Published: 2010
Personal Rating: 3/5 (just okay)
Format: Book
Yearly Count: 55

When Ryan finds a piece of paper with clues on it that was left behind by old Joe Bush, he knows he must solve the puzzle, and he needs Sarah to help.

Well, Sarah has moved away since the last book, and Ryan is stuck in Skeleton Creek, but they manage to work together to solve the mystery.  I did not like the new Sarah.  Neither her nor Ryan were seen on the videos as before, and Sarah's voice on the videos was not the same.  Seeing them and hearing Sarah's known exuberant voice added to my past experience (thoroughly enjoyed the first two).  With those entities missing - it was not the same, and I didn't enjoy it near as much.  It even caused the mystery to be not as intriguing.  I was disappointed, but am still all for the combo of journal entries and video format.


  1. It's too bad this didn't live up to the rest of the series.

  2. Bermudaonion ~ Yeah, I'm disappointed. Oh well.

  3. This one has been 50/50 with my middle school students.

  4. Staci ~ I can see why. :)


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!