Friday, October 14, 2011


Author: Jaycee Dugard
Genre: Memoir, Standalone
Published: 2011
Personal Rating:  4/5 (very good)
Format: Audiobook
Yearly Count:  86

Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped at the age of 11 on her way to the school bus stop.  She wasn't discovered and reunited with her family until the age of 29.

I already knew Jaycee's story from TV news specials and reading bits and pieces online.  However, it was great to hear Jaycee's story straight from her.  She shares that the book may seem confusing (fragmented, jumbled, going off on tangents), because it was a very confusing time in her life.  She says to come back 10 years from now to hear a less confusing story when she sorts it all out.  For now, this is her.

I kept those thoughts in my mind throughout the book and was able to dismiss the simpleness of language and ideas and focus on the bewildering experience Jaycee was describing.  There was a time that I started to disconnect (journal about her cats), but remembered that the cats were her lifeline and quickly got back on board.  Listening to her feelings behind the words very clearly indicated confusion and a survival mentality.  I loved Jaycee's attitude and perseverance during her captivity and since her release.  Even though much of her growth in many areas of her life were arrested at age 11, she had a solid base that kept her strong.    


  1. I don't know if I could handle reading this book.

  2. Bermudaonion ~ I think Jaycee did a great job in describing her life. She shares the pain she experienced and there are some things that are horrific (physically and emotionally), but she tells her story in a matter of fact sort of way, so I didn't freak out. Also, we know her outcome, so there is some solace in that.

  3. Anonymous11:48 PM

    I can't even imagine what that would do to a person. It looks like you have to keep that in mind as you read it. I've only seen bits of interviews with her and I'm amazed at her resilience.

  4. Stacybuckeye ~ She's quite a woman!

  5. I would like to read this one at some point but I'm nervous that it will be difficult to read since she experienced so many horrific things. I do think that I'll pick it up at some point though :)

  6. Samantha.1020 ~ Whenever I think of Jaycee, the horrific things she experienced do not flood my mind - at all. It's clear that yes, horrific things did happen to her, but those things are not Jaycee. She doesn't let them eat her alive and they also change over the years. I think you will be more inspired by her strength than devastated by what she experienced. But that's just my opinion. :)


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!