Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Author: Brian Freeman
Genre:  Thriller, Jonathan Stride Series #3
Published:  2008
Personal Rating: 3.5/5 (good)
Format: Audiobook
Yearly Count:  99

Maggie, Jonathan Stride's former partner, reports the murder of her husband.  Her behavior is questionable and she becomes the prime suspect.  At the same time, there is a blackmailer, a missing woman, and a serial killer all smothered in a shroud of s*x.  

OMGoodness!  I didn't like the second one in this series because of all its nasty talk, but decided to go ahead with this after a friend said it wasn't that bad.  Well, it wasn't, but I still don't like reading about these types of clubs and even though I rated this one higher than the second in the series, I think this is my last.  The author apparently isn't moving away from his favorite topic, so I'll be doing the moving (moving on, that is).  It's too bad because I liked Jonathan Stride.



  1. Too bad the author couldn't tone that down!

  2. Staci ~ This is actually a well-received series. And I like the author's writing style, but I wish he'd change the underlining (or blatant) topic. It's just not for me.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!