Friday, July 12, 2013


Author:  M. L. Stedman
Genre:  Fiction, Standalone
Published:  2012
Personal Rating:  3.5/5 (good)
Format/Narrator:  Audiobook/Noah Taylor
Yearly Count:  51

Out on Janus Island, Tom Sherbourne (lighthouse keeper) and his wife, Isabel, suffer from miscarriages and choices that change their lives forever.  

This was my second attempt at listening to this book.  I ended my first attempt, because I thought I wasn't in the right mood. This time around I persisted and discovered that it wasn't my mood after all.  It was the narrator.  I didn't care for him . . . again.  :(  

The story, however, was good.  I wasn't quite sure which path it was going to take, so it kept my interest, but I would have preferred a linear telling.   Reading it would have probably been the better option for me, too.  It would definitely make a terrific book club choice, though.     


  1. It does sound like it was the narrator because I read the book in print and really enjoyed it.

    1. Bermudaonion ~ Yeah, I think I would have preferred my own voices.

  2. I really loved this book, but of course I did read it. I hate it when a narrator spoils the enjoyment of a story.

  3. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Ok, I'll have to remember the read this one, not listen to it.

    1. Stacybuckeye ~ You may LOVE the narrator, but there was something about his voice that bothered me. I noticed it all the time, instead of enjoying the story.

  4. I keep hearing about this one...and forgetting about it. I have a tough time with non-linear books on audio but add a blah narrator and that sounds even worse!

    1. Trish ~ I would prefer a straight forward approach, but sometimes the back and forth works for me. I didn't care for it in this one.

  5. I thought this was one of the best books I've read so far this year. So sorry the audio was a dud! Funny, I don't remember it being non-linear, though... I'll have to take a look at it again. :)

    1. Les ~ I would love to say the same thing! However, rating it as "good" isn't all that bad. :)


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