Sunday, June 28, 2009


Author: Ted Dekker
Genre: Thriller, Standalone
Published: 2009
Personal Rating: 2.5/5 (eh)
Yearly Count: 79

Please Note: While being thankful for the opportunity to receive and listen to this audiobook, I feel the need to post the blurb from its cover. However, in my opinion there is usually too much disclosed. Read at your own discretion.

From the audiobook cover:

Would you kill an innocent man to save your daughter?

They call him BoneMan, a serial killer who's abducted six young women. He's the perfect father looking for the perfect daughter, and when his victims fail to meet his lofty expectations, he kills them by breaking their bones and leaving them do die.

Intelligence officer Ryan Evans, on the other hand, has lost all hope of ever being the perfect father. His daughter and wife have written him out of their lives.

Everything changes when BoneMan takes Ryan's estranged daughter, Bethany, as his seventh victim. Ryan goes after BoneMan on his own.

But the FBI sees it differently. new evidence points to the suspicion that Ryan is BoneMan. Now the hunter is the hunted, and in the end, only one father will stand.

Grrr. This book started out excellent. I was so captivated and mesmerized that I thought I was in for a winning read. As time went on - maybe the second half of the book, it evolved from excellence to acceptable to ridiculous. The characters and plot just fell apart. I'm definitely disappointed, especially starting out on such a fabulous note. Oh well.

Thank you, Anna from Hachette Audio, for providing me with this audiobook.


  1. A friend of mine read this one recently and had the exact same complaints about it that you mention here. It really makes me want to avoid this one. You've read another of his books, haven't you? Kiss or something?

  2. Oh, that's too bad. I won't bother to pick this one up. Thanks for the forewarning.

  3. Sorry this didn't work for you.

  4. That is such a huge disappointment. I absolutely hate when that happens! I picked up one of his books (not sure which) but put it right back down because I realized it was Christian suspense. I've read one Christian Suspense and was let down with it and lack of the suspense. Are his books like this as well?

  5. AHHHHHHHHHH! I have this coming up soon in my tbr pile and have been sooo looking forward to it! I may move it down a bit now and try to forget you didn't like it. LOL 2.5? Oh, boy, that's not good.

  6. Oh no! The description sounds so promising. What a shame!

  7. Oh disappointing. I have this one on my IPOD. I enjoyed Kiss by this author.

  8. Sorry you didn't like it Joy. I did. I really didn't look at the plot a whole lot. I just read this for a bit of a scare and I got that.

  9. I hate when I feel like the author just stopped writing a good book and let it go phhhhht...I feel tricked.

  10. Bummer!! Especially after investing so much time in the first half. I hate it when that happens. Grrrr.

  11. Literary Feline ~ Wow! You have a good memory. :) Yes, I read Kiss and rated it a tad bit higher than this one. Kiss was a decent story, but in general I don't care for paranormal happenings in fiction when they are thrown in haphazardly just to make a scene work.

    Well, your friend and I have something in common. :)

    Booklogged ~ I'm just one person, but I don't recommend it.

    Bermudaonion ~ Did you read this one?

    Kristie ~ I don't know, but I'm not trying any more.

    Nicola ~ LOL I don't tolerate ridiculous all that well.

    Cassie ~ And it started out promising, as well!

    Diane ~ Kiss was a little better, but like I said above - I don't like paranormal. You may like this more than I did.

    Dar ~ It grabbed me from the start, but then I thought it was too ridiculous to be scary! I am glad you liked it though. It's much more fun to read a book that you like, than to get disappointed. :)

    Vickie ~ I understand what you're saying. The beginning held me a lot longer than it probably deserved.

    Les ~ I really need a fabulous read. Hopefully I'll read a book from my TBR Shelves soon. I have many that I can't wait to read, and they have more potential to be winners.

  12. Oh bummer! I've seen this one around but I can't remember what was said about it. I think I'm too the point where I'm reading so many reviews they all blur together. Too bad the author couldn't hold it together. Regardless, this sounds way too intense for me anyway.

  13. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Oh no! This one is on my list. Thanks for the heads up.

  14. Trish ~ You won't be missing much. I really don't think you'd like it anyway.

    Stacybuckeye ~ Others have loved this Stacy, so I'm not sure how you would respond. I'm thinking more favorable than me.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!