Friday, January 22, 2010


Author: Ellen Hopkins
Genre: YA Realistic Fiction, Trilogy #2
Published: 2007
Personal Rating: 4/5 (very good)
Yearly Count: 5

Kristina Snow made some major mistakes in the summer prior to her senior year and those mistakes continue to haunt her every day.

This follow up is no prettier than its predecessor. It's filled with all the damaging effects that drugs can have on someone's life and how it affects those around them. It was very repetitive, and there were no redeeming qualities to be found, but I was still drawn into the story. I know that Crank (#1) was based on the author's daughter, so I'm assuming this is a continuation of the same. With that always in the back of my mind, I found the story to be captivating. The conclusion to this series titled Fallout will be published in September, 2010. I'm looking forward to it.


  1. Wow! That sounds like quite a thought provoking story.

  2. Bermudaonion ~ It's a great book to experience the thoughts of an addict. I'm so curious as to how it'll end.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!