Thursday, June 17, 2010


Author: John Hart
Genre: Southern Fiction, Standalone
Published: 2009
Personal Rating: 3/5 (just okay)
Yearly Count: 48

It's been over a year, but 13-year-old Johnny continues to search for his missing twin sister who was last seen being abducted on her way home from the library.

Down River was my introduction to John Hart's work. I read it in 2007 and thoroughly enjoyed it. When I heard about The Last Child, I was excited and was looking forward to another deep southern tale. Unfortunately, I was let-down. My main disappointment was in the lead character - I didn't buy into him; therefore, I didn't connect or care about him. Everything about him was off (unrealistic) - his dialog, his behavior, his thought process, etc. I did like the plot and the ending was decent, but it flopped in comparison to what I had anticipated. Maybe the next one will suit me better.

BTW - The Last Child won the 2010 Edgar Award for Best Novel.


  1. I tossed this one around a few times, but after reading your thoughts I really think I'll move on to something else!

  2. Did you realize the main character was a disappointment early on? I'm surprised you kept reading. I think I would've called it quits after 50+ pages. My mom bought this book while here on a visit. I wonder if she wound up enjoying it. I'll ask her this weekend. I'll probably skip it unless she has rave reviews. I have too many others calling my name. :)

  3. Staci ~ It's only my opinion, but I would choose Down River over this one.

    Les ~ Not immediately, but it didn't take long. I continued for three reasons: I really enjoyed Hart's other work, so I wanted to give this one a fair shot, it won an award, and it was highly recommended.

    In the past it has been extremely difficult for me to set a book aside. I would always finish them despite my discomfort. I am much better at it now, but still have lapses. Life is just too short to feel any guilt about not finishing a book. I have to remind myself of that continually.

    I hope your mom enjoyed it. I can't imagine that she would be against the grain as I happen to be. Please let me know her thoughts.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!