Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Author: Carol Cassella
Genre: Fiction, Standalone
Published: 2008
Personal Rating: 3/5 (just okay)
Yearly Count: 73

Dr. Marie Heaton, an established anesthesiologist, is devastated when a patient under her care dies during surgery. Marie is then thrown into a whirlwind of emotions and lawyers. She wonders if she will ever be able to work again.

This book turned out to be just okay for me. I had hoped that I would be drawn in but, unfortunately, that didn't happen. However, it did have a realistic feel to it - which I liked, but the characters never made me care about them. So . . . not bad, but not all that great either.


  1. I really liked this book a lot, and am excited that the author has a new book, Healer, coming out soon.

  2. The premise of the story sounds interesting - too bad it was a little more captivating.

  3. When you can't care about the characters then the book for me (IMHO) is totally over. I have to find some sort of connection be it good or bad.

  4. Bibliophile By the Sea ~ I listened to the audiobook version so maybe that played a part in my lack of connection with the characters.

    Bermudaonion ~ That's exactly it. I needed some more oomph.

    Staci ~ I don't think I've ever really pinpointed that need, but I think that makes a lot of sense. Even just in general - why read it if you don't care?


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!