Friday, September 17, 2010


(Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows)
Published: 2008

So what's so special about this book - other than it is a fantastic read? And why was it in my mailbox (along with a card) when I already have 2 copies of it on my bookshelves? Well, because Annie Barrows sent me an autographed copy of it, of course. :)

Here's why:

A couple of weeks ago, I read a delightful interview about Annie on Kids' Maximum Shelf. (Yes, she writes KIDS' books, too!) One of the questions referred to what books she loved as a child. She shared that she remembered loving a yellow book about a cat named Ophelia, and she knew right where it was on the library shelves, but never knew its name. She offered to send a set of her Ivy and Bean books to anybody that could tell her the title. With a little bit of research - viola! I thought I found the title (wasn't positive because the cat had a different name) and sent her an e-mail. It turned out that I was right, and she offered to send me a signed copy of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society book. I gleefully accepted!

Dear Joy --

Thanks for finding my cat!

Annie Barrows

Thank you, Annie!

Do you want to know the title of the book in Annie's childhood memory?
The Ghost of Opalina or Nine Lives by Peggy Bacon

The following is NOT Annie's request. I just thought I'd mention it.
Annie would love a copy of The Ghost of Opalina or Nine Lives (Bacon), but has only been able to locate it for several hundred dollars! If you know where she could purchase this book at a reasonable price, I'm sure she would greatly appreciate that information.


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Joy, what a fabulous thing! You are a literary sleuth! Wish I had a copy of the book, but I have never even heard of it. Wonder if I could find a copy somewhere? I may take a look. LOL

    I know you will treasure that Guernsey book even more now that you have a signed copy. :-)

  2. Lucky you!! That's a wonderful book to have an autographed copy of!

  3. That is so very cool!! I loved this book to pieces and to have an autographed copy is sweet!!!

  4. Thanks everybody for celebrating with me. I was really excited to receive it.

    Kay ~ Yes indeedy I will. :) I love it.

    Bermudaonion ~ I agree. (And I do feel lucky.)

    Staci ~ I know!!! I'm pretty geeked.

    Alisonwonderland ~ Yep!

  5. Joy: Thank you for sharing this! How completely awesome!

  6. Vickie ~ It was fun to share.

    Guess what!?! We got our new washer and dryer last Saturday! Oh my goodness. I never thought I could fall in love with big hunky pieces of equipment. :)

  7. How cool is this???? Congratulations!

  8. Bibliophile By the Sea ~ Pretty cool! Thank you. :)

  9. How cool is that?!?! I've never heard of the book (about the cat), but I loved The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society!

  10. What a great story Joy! Thanks for sharing it with us and how cool that you figured out the name of the book for Annie! Guernsey is one of my favorite books, that's a special inscription!

  11. Les ~ WAAAAY cool! :) I loved the Guernsey book, too!

    Bonnie ~ Yeah, I like that the inscription has more of a personal touch to it. :)

  12. Wow! Congratulations and nicely done :o)

  13. Terri B. ~ Thanks! I'm happy. :)

  14. Anonymous12:51 PM

    How cool! What a lovely author :)

  15. Stacybuckeye ~ I think so, too.

  16. Squeeee...exciting!!! Good for you; it couldn't have happened to a more deserving blogger!

  17. Bybee ~ Awe, thanks Bybee!

  18. Wow Joy, how cool!!!

  19. Joanna ~ Thanks. I'm happy. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!