Sunday, October 01, 2017

September Reads

Monthly - Yearly

Audiobooks:  1 - 26

Books:  0 - 5 

eBooks:  0 - 4 

New-to-Me Authors:  0 - 26  

Short Story Collection:  0 - 0

DNF:  1 - 3


  1. Your month looks a lot like mine! #slump

    1. Les ~ I think September, 2017 is my lowest month of books read or listened to in at least 10 years! However, it wasn't without trying! I literally attempted to listen to at least 5 books. The last one, Brilliance, was the longest attempt, which warranted a DNF. The rest were duds after 1 CD.

      I've also been incredibly busy with crocheting, which was usually accompanied by an audiobook, but lately I've been listening/watching YouTube podcasts during that time.

      Still love my read/listening time, but not finding books that make me WANT to pick them up.

      You, on the other hand, have just been having fun, fun, fun and no time to read. LOL Is that right?!? :)

  2. Yes, I've been having great fun on our trips in our trailer, as well as entertaining visitors to our new home. Our days are full, but I'm still trying to find time to read! Finally finished a winner (The Children's Crusade) a couple of days ago and have started another (News of the World) that has promise. We'll see if the next couple of months are better than the previous nine!

    1. I thought News of the World was good, although, a bit too predictable for my taste. Hope you love it. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!