Monday, August 21, 2006

"C" Title-Based A ~ Z Reads (2nd)

Lilian Jackson Braun ~ BOiPod
Personal Rating: 2.5/5

Cat lovers must really perk up when Koko sleeks, pounces, or just plain meanders onto the scene. The cat definitely has a presence. While both Koko and Qwilleran (main character) share many endearing qualities, the personification of Qwilleran’s mustache was almost enough to make me push the eject button on the car CD player. I can minutely buy into the concept of the cat’s intuition, but the mustache that “sends him messages” is out of my scope of acceptance. The mystery and the cast of quirky characters was the draw that kept the CD spinning. I believe many do and will continue to enjoy this series, but I prefer more realistic reads. Having had virtually the same experience with a different “CAT WHO” book, my rating doesn’t change and remains right below “yako tsuj”.

*My husband and I went on a short road trip and wanted to listen to a book along the way. This one fit the bill for the time allotment, so it is now the second in the "C" Titles.


  1. Hee hee - I KNEW this would be your reaction :-)

  2. I read these books because of the interesting side characters. I think Qwill is a little full of himself and so is Koko. I prefer YumYum.(Dumb name) My least favorite character is Polly. Don't these two have an odd relationship?


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Happy Reading!