Sunday, August 27, 2006

"O" Title-Based A ~ Z Reads

Chick Moorman
Personal Rating: 4/5

With a publishing date of 1983, you'd think that the content of this book would clearly be outdated. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Almost all of the methods, strategies, or theories are timeless suggestions; therefore, they remain current and applicable for use in the classroom today. While most of the suggestions were not new to me, they were great reminders and encouragement to do what’s best for kids, both in a classroom setting and on a personal level. The only negative was that it was a little repetitious. I do believe that Moorman really excels in reaching the core of a learner, making this a reference book that will be revisited from time to time. However, his best book yet is entitled SPIRIT WHISPERERS: TEACHERS WHO NOURISH A CHILD’S SPIRIT published in 2001. It is an excellent read for any teacher (or parent as well) who wants to build up character in the children of today.

*Clicking on this book will link you to the review at, not Barnes & Noble like the rest.


  1. Joy,

    Are you in Alphabet Readers, by any chance? I love this A-Z idea, although I've never joined the AR group mentioned on one of my listservs. You make it look so fun. :)

  2. Bookfool,

    No, I'm not in the AR group. I've never heard of it. I got the idea from another friend online that got it from her local newspaper I believe. I read mine "out of order" so I get a little more flexibility. I'm not exactly sure why it's fun, but it is! :) As soon as the A ~ Z Title-Based Reads are done, I'm going to do Author-Based. I actually have added a twist to the author-based...they will all be "new" to me. Try might like it!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!