Thursday, August 03, 2006

"R" Title-Based A ~ Z Reads

Thomas Cook
Personal Rating: 3.5/5

sus-pi-cion n: 1 the act or an instance of suspecting something wrong without proof or on slight evidence

So, how does one react to their own feelings of a family member's suspicious behavior? Hmmm...just one of the many dilemmas of life.

My thoughts have been all across the rating scale for this adventure. For the most part, I felt a gray cloud looming overhead, which made the book feel just plain blah. (Rating: 2) Despite that, there were times that I didn't want to put it down! From my point of view, the characters were well-developed and the plot was one to keep me intrigued. (Rating: 5) Although, at first, the author's chapter strategy was a bit confusing; I grew to like it and it quickly propelled me to the end. (Rating: 4) Throughout the book, I developed a fierce desire to pick up a permanent black marker and scribble out a word that Mr. Cook must have thought as chic. It was a word I don't read or hear often, so it stuck out like a sore thumb, as mine would have looked if I had used the black marker. UGH! (Rating: 1) Also, on occasion his sentence structure left me baffled, but that may have been part of his literary charm. (Rating: 3) Did I mention something about a gray cloud overhead? Do you sense that in this assessment? may, but in the long run, I did enjoy it. Really, I did. The proof is in the rating.


  1. Red Leaves let me down a little because I am a huge Thomas H. Cook fan. My favorite of his is The Chatham School Affair.

  2. Hi 3m! So glad you left a comment. :)

    This was my first by Cook, but would like to read more. I'll check into THE CHATHAM SCHOOL AFFAIR. Thanks.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!