Wednesday, August 30, 2006

"S" Title-Based A ~ Z List (3rd)

Patricia Gaffney ~ BLBC
Personal Rating: 4.25/5

This was a new author for me and I was pleasantly surprised. More accurately, I was remarkably surprised! Nothing against Patricia Gaffney, of course, but I just didn’t expect it. Her ability to captivate my attention to the point of feeling like I was one of the Saving Graces was amazing. I emotionally joined these women in the ups and downs of life everytime I opened the book. I truly felt like they were my friends and I will miss them, but my lasting impression lies with Gaffney's deftness of prose.

*This book was read with a book club, so it is out of sink with my A ~ Z readings. Again, this title falls into the "S" category making it the 3rd.


  1. This was my first read of Gaffney's and I really liked it. I'd say it was one of the first of many "women's friendship" books I read. Her Circle of Three is also very good, but I was disappointed with Flight Lessons.

  2. Les ~ I'll have to check into CIRCLE OF THREE. Thanks.

  3. Is this part of a series? I don't dare start anymore series until I finish up a few.

  4. Booklogged ~ No, it's not a series. I just think that most of her books are based on women and relationships.


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Happy Reading!