Sunday, September 24, 2006

"M" Title-Based A ~ Z Reads

James Frey
Personal Rating: 4.5/5

Despite the controversy surrounding James Frey and his book A MILLION LITTLE PIECES, I was still drawn in and captivated by this follow up. The relationship between James and Leonard was without doubt a special, unique bond. This very personal, open, and simply-spoken account of their friendship almost made me feel honored that he shared it with me. Odd, but true. Even though I have never met the man, I felt like we had a connection and that he was a friend. That to me is the mark of a good writer. Fiction or non-fiction...he had me believing.


  1. I was so upset trying to read A Million Little Pieces I couldn't finish it. Not because of the truth controversy, just because who can stand a life as messed up as his? I don't want to be a part of that chaos.

  2. This one sounds good, Joy. Another for the list!

  3. I really enjoyed this too - and the first. I could put neither down.

  4. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Thanks for bringing this one to my attention, I loved it. Amidst all the dysfunction of their lives, these guys had loads of fun. The conversations had me chuckling and the style of writing (or thinking I guess) certainly works well for this author.

  5. I liked this one better than A Million Little Pieces...I think because it showed him getting his life back together compared to where AMLP finished!

  6. I loved this book, and where A Million Little Pieces made me cry, this made me cry harder because you already knew the fate of all the characters. Fiction or non-fiction they're both fantastic reads.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!