Sunday, December 24, 2006

"V" Author-Based A ~ Z Reads

Janni Visman
Personal Rating: 3.5/5

"Gas is yellow. The color of fear. Of anger. Jealousy. Discord." In this odd, 173 page story, all the "yellow" is played out. The story actually unfolds in a slow, calculated manner, which causes intrigue as we are introduced to the main character, who suffers from panic attacks and remains in her home. As a relationship develops with a repair gasman, a whole new world is opened up to her. A world of confusion? Of deceit? Desires? Love?

YELLOW is a fast read with an interesting psychological spin. I am curious as to Visman's plans for future novels in this genre. I will be on the lookout.


  1. Joy, for some reason your blog won't load correctly for me. I notice you just read "The Good Women of China", I hope it was as good a read for you as it was for me. I'll return in a couple of days to see if I am able to read your review. In the meantime, please have a very Blessed Christmas...wishing you and yours lots of peace and joy.

  2. Lotus ~ Thank you! I hope you enjoyed your Christmas celebration.

    I see that you posted again on THE GOOD WOMEN OF CHINA, so all is well with the blog. :) Sad to say, I had to remove the marquee.

  3. Sounds like an interesting premise. I'm adding it to THE list. The cover grabs my interest, too. My only concern about reading this is that my favorite color is yellow. Sounds like the book may change my mind about that.

  4. Could I be right in thinking that Kazuo Ishiguro wrote something about Mount Fiji? I have a vague recollection of winning such a book from our library's summer reading program. Now I'll have to go see as you spiked my curiosity.

    By the way, I'm getting ready to start Snowflower and The Secret Fan, which has been getting great reviews. I love books about Japan, and China!

  5. Booklogged ~ Have no fear..."yellow" isn't mentioned too much to ruin your love for that color. :)

    Bellezza ~ I'll respond on the NEVER LET ME GO post.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!