Friday, December 22, 2006

"X" Author-Based A ~ Z Reads

Personal Rating: 3.5/5

This was quite an interesting, yet heart-wrenching read. It brings to light the unethical treatment of women in China by revealing their lives in short-story form.

The author was a radio broadcaster and heard most of the women's stories when she hosted "Words on the Night Breeze", which was an anonymous open forum for women to discuss their lives. Without too many happy endings, the women of China have demonstrated great strength and endurance in the years past, and unfortunately, my guess is that not all of their poor treatment has been eradicated.

Someone needed to do a better job on the editing in this translation. Even though the majority of the errors were words spelled with an "s" instead of a "z", I didn't appreciate constantly reading the misspellings. Other than that, the book flowed rather well.


  1. Joy, something funky is going on with your blog. The posts are down below the sidebar and the typing doesn't show up. Maybe it's just my computer. Will check back later.

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Booklogged ~ Thanks for the heads up. I'll look into it.

    Merry Christmas to you, too!

  3. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Joy - Your blog looks fine when I use Internet Explorer, but messed up when I use Foxfire. Strange...

  4. Joy - same for me as for Lynne - in foxfire (which I use most of the time) it's messed up, but in internet explorer it looks fine. - weird.

  5. hi, Joy!

    I can view your blog properly now, thank goodness! :) This book was quite an eye-opener, right? It made me so thankful for my lot in life.

  6. Everybody ~ Thanks for letting me know. I had a marquee that scrolled MERRY CHRISTMAS! It worked great on Explorer, but evidently not on the others.

    Lotus ~ I was surprised at all the areas of naivete, but if nobody tells would you know?


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!