Sunday, November 18, 2007

Jacqueline Winspear ~ BOiPod
Personal Rating: 4.5/5
Yearly Count: 110

What a surprise! I'm not exactly sure why, but I never expected this book to be such a pleasure. I loved how the plot unfolded and almost all of the characters. Those entities definitely made for a wonderful read (in this case listen).

Maisie is a psychologist/investigator and the book begins with a client requesting Maisie's services. Once the investigation is underway, we go back to meet Maisie as a young girl. The flashback is a wonderful character study and the bulk of the book. Then, towards the end we are back with Maisie to tie up loose ends of the investigation and her personal life. I was impressed with the seamless blending of the two.

I love psychology and mystery, but I'm not keen on anything mystical or supernatural. There was a glimmer of that hovering that put a slight damper on my enjoyment; however, overall I thought it was a very good historical story of the WW1 time period. I'm definitely in for Birds of a Feather, the second in this series.

Here are two quotes I wanted to hear again:

"The more it (a question) troubles you, the more it has to teach you . . . the larger questions in life share such behavior."

"The truth grows even more powerful when it is suppressed and often it takes only one small crack to bring down the wall to release it."


  1. That sounds like a book I'd like, I think I'll add it into my books for the 888 challenge. I'm a bit low on the mystery category.
    Thanks for the review.

  2. I really must read this! I keep reading such great reviews of it on so many blogs.

  3. What a great review! I have this on my list and hopefully will get to it soon.

  4. Alix ~ This would fit perfectly. :)

    Tara ~ I never had that thought, but am soooo glad it turned out as it did!

    Nicola ~ Thanks. I hope you like it as much as I did.

  5. Oh...I'm so glad you liked this book! It's been on my TBR pile for ages. I really need to pick it up!

  6. Stephanie ~ I liked it way more than I thought I would. I don't think you'll be disappointed. In my opinion, it's a good read.

  7. Joy: I am so glad you enjoyed this wonderful book, too. I loved reading this and wrote to Jacqueline Winspear and she almost immediately emailed me in return. What a fabulous woman she is.
    I am keeping this series, not a usual thing with me. I have the third one soon up to be read.

  8. Looks pretty good, I love psychological mysteries too. I have almost all the Jonathan Kellerman books.

  9. Vickie ~ Ya know I just may e-mail her, too. I really enjoyed it.

    Erin ~ I read one by his wife (I think it's his wife), but not Jonathan. I really need to get on the ball. :)

  10. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I've seen Jacqueline Winspear in a Book Club forum our local paper puts on twice a year and she was quite fascinating. I never have picked up the book though! Thank you for the reminder.

  11. Carrie K ~ I don't think I've heard any bad comments about this series. I hope you'll give it a try. :)


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!