Tuesday, November 20, 2007

J. A. Konrath ~ BOiPod
Personal Rating: 3.5/5
Yearly Count: 111

I think if I had read this, I would have enjoyed it more. I like audio books simply read with a little inflection in tone for different characters. This one was read dramatically and there were two narrators (male and female). I like to envision my own interpretation of the words; I don't need readers to draw them out, speed them up or over emphasize an action word.

The main character, Jacqueline (Jack) Daniels is a Chicago Police Department lieutenant and is investigating a brutal serial killer. Her partner (Herb) is obsessed with food and the references regarding his obsession were excessive and annoying. Needless to say, even amongst the gruesome and silly scenes throughout the book, I grew to like Jack and Herb. They're okay.

Oh! I can't forget the humor;
that's there, too. There were some pretty good puns and then some groaners (although intentional) that brought some life to the book. And...there's actually a mystery to follow along with, as well. All in all, it wasn't too bad. I liked it enough to give Bloody Mary a try, which is the second in the series.


  1. I hate it when they overdo on an audiobook. Thanks for the heads up to avoid the audio version of this. Might put it on the TBR list though if you're willing to give the second in the series a try - sounds fun.

  2. Sorry the narrators almost ruined this for you. Narrators make or break as much as the author does for me.
    I have the handheld version of this book on Mt Git'r'Read, actually towards the top of one of the stacks in my closet.

  3. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Hi, Joy! I so enjoy your blog.

    Usually, when I go to the library for an audio book I will check out two or three. There have been quite a few recordings where the readers got on my nerves. I admire you for sticking to it despite not enjoying the narration.

    Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    P.S., I found another "Kay" who posts on one of the blogs I like to read, so I changed my name to "Scrappy Kay".

  4. Anonymous9:05 AM

    I almost bought this book a few months ago but was unsure about it. Now I am still on the fence ;(

  5. Suzi ~ Yep, I'll definitely try a second. It's more graphis than I ever thought it would be though.

    Vickie ~ They do for me, too! "Handheld version" ... big grin.

    Scrappy Kay ~ Love the name...very cute! And thank you for the compliment. I love that you visit. :)

    Being that I have been "listening" more than "reading" lately, sometimes I find it difficult to transition to the next narrator and think that that may be the reason I don't like some of them. However, I do know for sure that I do not like theatrical performances, but have listened to many to finish the book.

    I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving.

    Danielle ~ Sorry I can't be more decisive for you. :)


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!