Friday, November 28, 2008

Give-Away Winners!


There are 3 winners of:

Beat the Reaper
Josh Bazell

Raidergirl3 from An Adventure in Reading

Shooting Star Mag from Shooting Star Mag

Wrighty from Wrighty's Reads

I hope it's a great read for you, Ladies!
(Please leave your e-mail address in the comments, so I can contact you.  I'll delete it after I have taken note of it.  The actual book will be mailed to you by Miriam from


  1. Hooray for you three. It's always so nice winning a book.

  2. Thanks Joy. I believe you have my email already, but I can send it again if I don't hear from you soon.

    I was thinking of you last night as I watched Fight CLub with my sister last night. It's her husbands favorite movie. I liked it, thought the acting was amazing. It was also very faithful to the book. I can completely understand how people could hate it. Not an easy movie to watch. Also, I knew the twist, so was able to watch it from that angle, and see how it actually happened.

    So, of course I was thinking of you, and Dan from BB!

  3. Wrighty - said...
    Thanks so much Joy! Books are the best. I enjoyed the contest and you have a great blog.

  4. WINNERS ~ I sent you an e-mail.

  5. thanks for the book Joy, I loved it. I was completely amused and entertained and I read it through in one day. The medical stuff was very interesting. The language doesn't bother me adn the violence was almost unbelievable.

    Anyway, thanks again; I was a good fit for the book.

  6. Raidergirl3 ~ Oh, I'm so happy to hear that! :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!