Friday, February 06, 2009


Author:  David Fuller
Genre:  Historical Fiction, Standalone
Published:  2008
Personal Rating:  3.5/5
Yearly Count:  18

Sweetsmoke, a Virginia tobacco plantation, is the home of Cassius and many other slaves during the Civil War.  Emoline, the woman who rescued and nursed Cassius back to health after a devastating event in his life, has been murdered.  The devotion Cassius has for Emoline has driven him to find the killer - no matter what the cost.

This didn't live up to my expectations.  The characters were okay, the setting was okay, but the mystery story line did not seem plausible to me.  (Yes, I know it's fiction.)  There were, also, many dry spots, and on occasion I didn't even care to pick it up.  So, for whatever reason it didn't grab me.  The good news is that there were a few minor surprises or twists, and it ended on a good note.  :)


  1. I'm sad you didn't enjoy this one as much as I did. It did end on a good note though, which at least gives closure even if it wasn't your favorite :)

  2. Joy, I'm sad too that you didn't like this one as much as I did. I really enjoyed it. Better luck next time.

  3. Laura ~ ME, TOO! It was still good, but not one that grabbed me - like I was hoping.

    Dar ~ Ya know, I just don't know what happened. I love the cover and the topic. I really wanted to read it and was looking forward to it. It was "good" and that's by no means bad; It just didn't reach as high as I thought it would.

  4. I've read a lot about this one. I haven't had a chance to pick it up yet but will eventually. Thanks for the review!

  5. Samantha ~ I really think my lack of enthusiasm comes strickly from me, not the book. It is a good book. For whatever reason, the timing just wasn't right for me to see it in a better light.

  6. Hi Joy! Great blog - so excited I found you! :) I noticed that in your "about me" section you talk about how much you like words. You should check out my treasury on ETSY. It's all about words! :) I'm a huge book lover too, and on my blog i try to review books (but not as many as I'd like - sooo busy). I also listen to books on my ipod. Do you use They're awesome! Ok, sorry to ramble on! Here's the treasury if you'd like to check it out!

  7. BookWormz ~ Thanks for stopping by! As for audiobooks, I use the library for checking out books on CD, put them into iTunes, then onto my iPod. They are all free and it works perfectly.


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Happy Reading!