Friday, May 22, 2009


Author: Robert Crais
Genre: Mystery, Series #5
Published: 1995
Personal Rating: 4/5 (very good)
Yearly Count: 62

Elvis Cole, LA private eye, travels to Louisiana to find the biological parents of a well-known actress.

This book provided the missing piece I've been waiting for. Having read the series out-of-order (my bad), I already knew something and wondered how it came to be. Now I know. :)

Elvis's wit continues (and again, some phrases are repeated too often, but I still like him - a lot) and Joe Pike makes his appearance as well, making this a another very good mystery.


  1. Was reading the series out of order intentional? Bet it feels good to know that missing piece, but I usually have a tough time getting into older volumes when I read series out of order.

  2. Trish~ Oh no. It was not intentional at all. Years and years ago I came upon a book on a library shelf and took it home to read. I enjoyed it, so picked up others by the same author (don't remember ever noticing same characters because he has written many standalones). Anyway, once I read Hostage - I was hooked on Crais and sought out more info. That's when I discovered that there was a series. I made it a priority of sorts to fill in the blanks and get caught up.

    Sorry - I'm sure a "No." would have sufficed. :)

    As for getting into the older volumes - I totally agree. There was a big difference, but I plugged through. I really wanted to know when a character came into play. As a whole, it's been fun to actually read the growth in his writing.

  3. Glad you enjoyed this one Joy. I've never heard of this series. The title makes me think of some nasty magic going on but I know you wouldn't be reading that. lol.

  4. This is definitely a series I want to pick up. I've heard that Elvis Cole is quite the character!

  5. I haven't read anything by this author, but it sounds good. I will have to look for some of his books. Do you happen to know the title of the first book?

  6. I had the same reaction earlier this year :) I came into the series late and have been picking up some of the earlier ones - and I think I picked this one up for the 'V' in the A to Z Challenge. And I was reading along and went "hey, isn't that x? Oh, cool."

  7. I loved the Elvis Cole series and was kind of sad when he went to stand-alone novels. This one's on one of my shelves, but I have no idea where. Glad you enjoyed it!

  8. Just received some Robert Crais books this week! Now this is the impetus to get them out and read them soonest. Thanks!

  9. Dar ~ LOL No there's no "nasty magic" going on. LOL And, you are right - I wouldn't read that. :) To be honest, at this time, I can't remember why it is titled that. Yikes. That's sad. Obviously, it's not prominent.

    Ms. Bookish ~ I like Elvis. However, lately I've been thinking about two other characters I want to revisit - Andy Carpenter (Rosenblat's character) and Myron Bolitar (Coben's character). There's just not enough time!

    Kristie ~ Yep, it's The Monkey's Raincoat. Crais has written 3 other standalones that I've really enjoyed, too.

    Tammy ~ Since I started back at the beginning, I've been hoping and hoping for an appearance - finally!!! :)

    Bookfool ~ I liked his standalones and he's still producing Elvis books, so we're okay. :)

    Vickie ~ You're welcome. I look forward to what you have to say about them.

  10. A simple "no" is fine, Joy, but you know I like the rambling. :)


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Happy Reading!