Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Author: Vicki Forman
Genre: Memoir, Standalone
Published: 2009
Personal Rating: 2.5/5 (eh)
Yearly Count: 85

Please Note: While being thankful for the opportunity to receive and read this ARC, I feel the need to post the blurb from its cover. However, in my opinion there is usually too much disclosed. Read at your own discretion.

From the ARC cover:

Vicki Forman gave birth to Evan and Ellie, weighing just a pound at birth, at twenty-three weeks' gestation. During the delivery she begged the doctors to "let her babies go" -- she knew all too well that at twenty-three weeks they could very well die and, if they survived, they would face a high risk of permanent disabilities. However, California law demanded resuscitation. Her daughter died just four days later; her son survived and was indeed multiply disabled: blind, nonverbal, and dependent on a feeding tube.

The Lovely Life tells, with brilliant intensity, of what became of the Forman family after the birth of the twins -- the harrowing medical interventions and ethical considerations involving the sanctity of life and death. In the end, the long-delayed first steps of a five-year-old child will seem like the fist-pumping stuff of a triumph narrative. Forman's intelligent voice gives a sensitive, nuanced rendering of her guilt, her anger, and her eventual acceptance in this portrait of a mother's fierce love for her children.

Vicki Forman won the Bread Loaf Writer's Conference Bakeless Prize for this book and thus far has received very positive reviews. I'm happy for her accomplishments and hope that it has brought much healing.

The struggles that Vicki and her family went through are certainly devastating and life-changing, and my heart truly goes out to them. However, putting her experience into words seems to be more of a cathartic measure than a message or encouragement to others. My thoughts or rating has nothing to do with what she endured or carries with her the rest of her life - it has everything to do with my feelings while reading it.

I'm going to end this with a warning: If you are in the child-bearing years, my suggestion is that you do not read this. Although, others that have had similar experiences may find comfort in reading Vicki's experience - assuring them that they are not alone and that their feelings are valid.

Thank you, Mariner Books, for sending me this ARC. It is scheduled to be released on July 23, 2009.


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    This sounds too terrifying for me to contemplate. But, I'm still in my child bearing years :)

  2. Oh my gosh, that sounds so sad! It's sitting on my shelves, but I'm past my child bearing years, so maybe I can read it.

  3. Thanks for the warning... I don't think I will be checking this book out, especially since I am trying to get pregnant right now.

  4. This would be a difficult book for a woman to read, child-bearing years or no. Bless you for reading it, bless her for writing it.

  5. Stacybuckeye ~ The truth remains - we get what we get, but there's no need for added stress.

    Bermudaonion ~ It is sad. I think you're in the clear. :)

    Kristie ~ This is not for you. It'll just put too many ideas in your mind that don't belong there.

    Vickie ~ You are correct. I hated rating this one because of the heart-wrenching topic.

  6. I'm in the grandmother-bearing (??)years so I'm going to pass on this one as well.

  7. Framed ~ Oh, good point and good idea. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!