Saturday, August 15, 2009


Author: Carolyn Jessop
Genre: Memoir, Standalone
Published: 2007
Personal Rating: 4.5/5 (excellent)
Yearly Count: 97

Carolyn Jessop, who grew up in a family that followed the practice of the Fundamentalist Church of the Latter Day Saints (FLDS), found herself at the age of 18, to be the 4th wife of a 50-year-old man. Carolyn shares the unbelievable (but true) details about her childhood through her escape.

Wow. I read the YA fiction book on the same topic titled The Chosen One (Williams) at the end of July and became very curious as to how much truth it contained. Escape was a perfect choice to help me determine what was fact or fiction. It turns out that The Chosen One was very much fact, and the whole book could have actually been a memoir of a 13-year-old girl. Shockingly, Escape and The Chosen One were identical in their basic story.

I was mesmerized by Carolyn's story. I never wanted to stop listening to it (fabulous narrator) and thought about it when I wasn't. The rumors I heard and, of course, things that I learned about in The Chosen One seemed so crazy that I had a difficult time believing them. Carolyn's story clarified and convinced me of the truth that lies behind those closed doors. What a harrowing, debilitating, repressed existence the followers of the FLDS live. Unfortunately, those born into it don't know anything else and are brainwashed. Carolyn "rebelled." She is a remarkable woman who exhibited strength, courage and determination to save her children and herself from a life of further torment.


  1. I really want to read this one. I have to look for this one at my library. Thanks for reminding me. I have some weird obsession about learning more of the LDS.

  2. I read this last year - was a 'wow' read for me. A very, very enthralling read.

  3. I read this book last summer and enjoyed it. As a matter of fact, I read every FLDS book I could get hold of at the time. I found myself wondering if I would have the strength to escape that women like Carolyn did.

  4. Kristie ~ I think I have entered into the same camp - "weird obsession about learning more of the LDS." However, it's more about the FLDS that I'm curious about.

    Sally906 ~ Quite an eye-opener for sure!

    Bermudaonion ~ I have Shattered Dreams on my TBR Shelf and look forward to it. Being that she was "out in the world" with going to school and working, she had more exposure than a lot of other women had, so I think that gave her a little more courage knowing that she wasn't stepping into the total unknown. Although, there is no doubt that she was one brave cookie, no matter how you look at it.

  5. Anonymous4:50 PM

    This one sounds great!! Have already bookmarked it. Thanks.

  6. It's such an interesting topic, isn't it? I'll have to add this one to my wish list. Thanks for your great review, Joy.

  7. Danielle ~ You're welcome. :) It was a great read/listen for me. I'm looking forward to reading Shattered Dreams.

    Literary Feline ~ Indeed it is! I also think the Amish are interesting. I'm listening to a mystery now in Amish country (Ohio) and my interest has been piqued to learn more about their lifestyle, too.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!