Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day!!!

I want to take a moment and THANK those that continue to stop by and leave a comment or even just take the time to read my blog! I miss you all, but life at the moment is extremely busy between working and my family life - leaving me without much leisure time. When I do have a moment, I open up a book and usually fall asleep within a page or two. Sometimes I end up staring blankly at the TV. HOWEVER, next week we have the week off, so I'm hoping to stop by and visit YOU! Also, there's another holiday break coming down the pike, then . . . summer vacation! Today happens to be a "snow day," so I am not doing anything other than reading and catching up on my blog. What a wonderful day!!!

Another thing I just remembered - I don't even know what is popular in the blogosphere at the moment or what new books are coming out or simply - what good books you have read lately! Well, I know a few books that will be published soon because of LibraryThing, but I feel out of the loop. I don't know how you working people juggle it all. (I knew I had it good when I worked at home.)

Again, thank you for not abandoning me! Your comments are greatly appreciated.
Happy Reading, Everybody!


  1. You were missed, but no need to feel guilty. A few books that I really enjoyed lately were: One Amazing Thing; Noah's Compass; This is Where I Leave You and Sacred Hearts (to mention a few). Hope things calm down for you so you can enjoy some R and R.

  2. Diane ~ I have One Amazing Thing on my TBR Shelf! The others I haven't heard of. I will look them up now. Thanks, Diane. :)

  3. Take care of yourself - we'll be here when you get the chance to catch your breath. I really enjoyed Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman and The Wife's Tale by Lori Lansens.

  4. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Joy - I read every post you put up, even if I don't comment. Remember, you and Suzi were the ones who got me to start my blog!

  5. Aren't snow days great? We had one yesterday. Enjoy your books and get some sleep, and then it will be summer vacation, and we can lounge around together in the sun, and compare books.

  6. I've missed you Joy but you do have a busy life working and I'm sure that it has its rewards! We'll look forward to more posts on your breaks. I'll always be a faithful follower of your blog as well as Lynne's, Suzi's and Mary's as you guys got me interested in starting my own blog!

    I read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Saving CeeCee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman. Two very different styles of books but both great books.

  7. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Joy, you have been missed, but I definitely understand about time constraints. I read all your posts even if I don't comment. You're just at a different place in your life now. I know it's hard to feel like you are missing out. Take care and know that we will be here when you have some time off. Keep reading because that is where the real fun is!!

  8. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I would never abandon you ;)...I just finished an awesome book this morning.....A Separate Country by Robert's a complicated read but soooooo worth it at the end. I can't remember if you read A Widow in the South his first book??

    Enjoy your snow day!!!!!!!!!! It's freezing here here in the sunshine state ;) My little piggies haven't been warm since Thanksgiving!!!!

  9. Take your time! We'll be here. Take care of yourself.

    I'm listening to John Marsden's Tomorrow series, just finished rereading Fellowship of the Rings, and am reading American Rust.

  10. Anonymous6:16 PM

    We've missed you too :)

  11. Awww, what a cute cartoon!! I miss you too, but I certainly understand. I'm not posting nearly as often as I was when I was a nanny to my two nieces. Working really does cut into one's free time and anything leftover is spent reading, not blogging. I check in here every day or two to see if you have something new posted. No worries. I'm not leavin' ya! :)

    As far as good reads, I'm hearing great things about The Postmistress. I just posted a couple of "meh" reviews but I'm hoping to get back into my groove in the next few days. I've got Joe Hill's new book sitting here, as well as Tana French's 3rd mystery. Checked out a copy of Await Your Reply by Dan Chaon which a friend recommended. Mudbound is still my best read of the year, though. What an incredible book!!

    Take care of yourself and don't work too hard. See you on your next break. :)

  12. EVERYBODY ~ Thank you so much for your comments! Reading them was so much fun for me. I loved reading your warm-hearted statements and all about your latest reads. You have made my day! Thank you!

    bermudaonion ~ Saving CeeCee Honeycutt is on my TBR List, and I haven't read The Girls (Lansens) yet. It's sitting on my TBR Shelf yet! I'm glad to know that The Wife's Tale is another good read by her. Thanks for sharing that.

    Lynne ~ Oh, thanks Lynne! I'm so glad you started your blog. It has become such an important part of our lives, hasn't it? I know I'm just going through an adjustment period and hopefully will have a little more regularity to my visits in the future. If not, breaks from school will be my salvation. :)

    Raidergirl3 ~ YES!!! They are one of those unexpected treasures of teaching. :) I love my job, but it's so much fun to have a day off. I hope you enjoyed yours! Too bad you don't live closer, cuz I'd take you up on the lounging and book talk. :)

    How's the Word Game going? Another thing I miss.

    Bonnie ~ It does have it rewards. I feel needed and useful. I can't explain the joy that comes when a struggling child actually reads a page! It has been awesome! I'm so glad you started your blog, too! I just have to get there to read it! I will - it'll just take some time. I have not deleted my Google Reader. :) I'm going to attack it every day this week!

    You read The Hunger Games!!! I'm so glad you thought it was great, too! Actually, I don't know anybody that didn't like it. Bermudaonion mentioned Saving CeeCee, too. I'm guessing that's been going around as a popular "gotta read." It's on my TBR List.

    Kay ~ I feel so bad! I was so hoping you'd come back and you did - then I fade into the background. :( My plan is to come by this week. I can't wait to see what you are reading and if you are still in your reading group. Did I tell you that I'm so happy you're back! :) I missed you.

  13. continued . . .

    Danielle ~ Thanks, Danielle! I'm almost positive that I have A Widow in the South, but I don't think I have A Separate Country. I'm so glad you enjoyed it (them).

    The last I remember you were only (only! not the appropriate word, but you know what I mean) teaching. Is that still the case? Are you enjoying your "free" time? OR did you fill it up with something else already!?! :)

    Beth F ~ I listened to the first one not too long ago and thought it was good. How are the remaining books in the series? I guess if you are still reading them - they are keeping your attention. :) Enjoy! How's American Rust going? I only peeked at that book. It looked interesting, but just never pursued it. Hope it's a good one!

    Stacybuckeye ~ Thanks! How's life without football? I just told my husband the other day that I'm looking so forward to September - a new season! However, I don't want to wish away 6 months, so I need to enjoy the here and now. :) Hope you are enjoying your reading.

    Les ~ I actually thought things were settling down a bit (a little while ago), but I don't know what happened to the time. Things are better, I just have to learn how to use my "free" time more effectively. Thank you for being a faithful follower. :)

    I saw The Postmistress on some email I received, and I wrote it down to pursue. It's great to know that you're hearing good things about it. That makes me want to check it out right away. I haven't read any of Joe Hill's books. I'm interested in what your thoughts are about him. I tried to get Await Your Reply as an arc and it didn't pan out. It's still on my TBR List, though. :) I look forward to your review. And, yes, yes, yes - Mudbound! I thought that was an excellent book, too. I still remember some pieces of it. I'm glad you found it to be incredible. Gotta love those!

  14. Les ~ It just dawned on me that I got two authors mixed up. I was thinking in my head CJ BOX when I read JOE HILL. I did read The Heart-Shaped Box (Hill) and didn't care for it. Have you read any books by CJ Box? That's who I'm curious about.

  15. No, I've never read anything by C.J. Box. You'll have to let me know what you think, if you get around to reading any of his (her?) books.

  16. It looks like I'm in a snow globe - it's just beautiful. It has caused another Snow Day! :)

    Les ~ I just found out that C.J. Box is a man. He writes a series about Joe Pickett, a Wyoming game warden. The 10th in the series will be published in April. He also has written some standalones. I'm curious!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!