Saturday, May 01, 2010


Author: Harry Dolan
Genre: Mystery, Standalone
Published: 2009
Personal Rating: 2.75/5 (better than eh)
Yearly Count: 35

David Loogan, who has a sketchy past, rents a house in Ann Arbor, MI (GO BLUE!). He acquires a job as an editor at a local publishing company. Loogan's boss requests that he assist him in a crime and Loogan agrees. Soon after, many murders take place and Loogan is a suspect, along with many others.

Anything that had to do with Ann Arbor was wonderful. I loved the descriptions, street names, etc. because I knew right where they were. That made for such a fun experience. However, the plot was another matter. I liked some of it, but the "if this was a story" parts were not necessary. Also, in general, there were just too many bodies and too many scenarios making the whole book seem implausible, so it didn't end on a very good note for me.


  1. I love the rating "better than eh!" I think I'll skip this one.

  2. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I just read another review of this one that had me adding it to my wish list. Now I'm not so sure...

  3. Bermudaonion ~ I believe this one is regarded much higher than how I have perceived it, so don't skip it on my account.

    Stacybuckeye ~ A friend of mine read it too and he said that he'd give it a 3/5 - mainly for the lack of realism (which I agree with). However, I've had a very difficult time gathering "best reads" this year (sadness!), so my guess is that it's just me.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!