Sunday, May 09, 2010


Author: Harlan Coben
Genre: Mystery, Standalone
Published: 2010
Personal Rating: 2.5/5 (eh)
Yearly Count: 36

A high school girl goes missing; the police and a reporter work the case to find the predator.

Oh dear, another read that just didn't hold my attention. And, that was a shocker because I really enjoy Coben's standalones. I must say that I did enjoy the prologue and looked forward to the story, but as it continued I never fully connected. When a few new characters (and there were many) were introduced, I disengaged some more. I did enjoy the ending, though. Ultimately, only truly liking the beginning and the ending does not make a great read. I'm glad to be moving on.


  1. Wanna know something funny, Joy? My first words when I saw your rating (and before reading a single word of your review!) were, "Oh, dear!!" So many books, so little time. I'll take a pass on this one just based on your first sentence. ;)

  2. Oh no! I just listened to my first Coben and really enjoyed it, so I've been looking forward to reading more of his work.

  3. This is one that I'm just going to have to try because so many of my blogging buddies have such different thoughts on this one!!

  4. Anonymous10:44 PM

    I really liked this one. Sorry it didn't work for you.

  5. Les ~ Tee Hee! Great minds . . . :) The phrase "I'm just not feeling it." has been the adage of this year's reading. Like I said before - I'm not exactly sure what the cause is - work or life in genreal or maybe just that lack of collective time, but I feel like my attitude (ratings) are very low in comparison to other years. I have many more 3s and 2s than ever! I still have 4s, but - well, I think you get it.

    Bermudaonion ~ Oh, don't let this dissuade you (read above). I really do enjoy Coben's work and this one will not stop me from continuing.

    Staci ~ Has anybody said they didn't care for it? I read the lower rated reviews on Amazon and I feel like they do - so again, I'm not alone, but the majority of reviews have given it high marks.

    Stacybuckeye ~ Thanks, Stacy. I'm really glad that it worked for you!

  6. I'm sorry this one didn't work for you, Joy. I've only read one Coben book and I loved it. It was so intense! I keep meaning to read more by him but haven't managed to yet. One of these days. :-)

  7. Literary Feline ~ When you get to your second helping, I hope it's a winner. I just didn't think this was one of his best.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!