Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Author: Steve Hamilton
Genre: Mystery, Series #2
Published: 2000
Personal Rating: 3.5/5 (good)
Yearly Count: 37

Alex McNight, a Detroit ex-cop, lives in Michigan's Upper Peninsula where he tries to keep a peaceful existence and low profile. His Native American buddy encourages him to fill in as a goalie on his hockey team with the reasoning that it would help keep him in shape and occupy some of his time. Before Alex knows it, a hockey opponent's girlfriend is asking for his assistance, and he feels bound to help.

I like Alex, but less "f-bombs" would make for a better read. It is so not necessary! Aside from that, the plot was good, and I love reading about my home state of Michigan. There were a few very unrealistic events, but still a good read. I've got the next two ready on my iPod. They are perfect for road trips!


  1. I've never heard of this series. I love to read books that take place in Michigan too. Should see if my library has this one. I hate it when the f-bomb is used and it serves absolutely no purpose!!!

  2. Staci ~ I just put #3 on my iPod! I won't be listening to it right away, but I've got it ready for when the mood strikes. :) I didn't realize that there were so many Native American's in the UP (in the book anyway). I'm assuming he's done his homework.


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I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!