Saturday, December 18, 2010


Author: S. A. Bodeen
Genre: YA Apocalyptic, Standalone
Published:  2008
Personal Rating: 2.75/5 (better than eh)
Yearly Count:  110

A nuclear war forced a wealthy family into the compound that the father had been diligently preparing over the years.

This had a good premise, but quickly fell apart when holes started arising in the plot. Also the tone directed towards the young adult audience became quite apparent.  Yes, I knew it was YA, but I have read many that don't read like YA, and I was hoping this would be one of them.  Overall, it was disappointing, but I wanted to know the ending, so I was somewhat invested.  Mr. Joy liked it more than I did.


  1. I'm with Mr. Joy. I liked it more than you did. :)

  2. Not sure if my son would want to read this one or not....your 2.75 scares me off a bit!!

  3. Alisonwonderland ~ I think most people liked it more than I did. LOL I asked Mr. Joy (we were individually listening to it on our separate ways to work) many questions about this or that because so many things weren't making sense to me. In other words, I had a difficult time suspending disbelief.

    Staci ~ I think this one just didn't fit me. It is short, so not a lot of time will be lost if he doesn't like it. Hope he does, though.

  4. Hmm, I like the sound of that one. I'm sticking it on ye olde wish list. :)

  5. Bookfool ~ I think you'd really like this one.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!