Saturday, July 16, 2011


Boy oh boy, the years sure fly by when you're having fun!  Today makes 5 years of blogging fun for me.

Looking over the past year:

I've noticed that I have continued to shift my reading back to my favorite genres:  mysteries and suspense/thrillers.  This is after years of broadening my horizons with other genres.  I still have to throw in those less than preferred genres in my reading, so that I don't get confused with the characters and plot from the book, ebook and audiobook that I am simultaneously reading or listening to.  It's working, so I'll be continuing with that practice.

Looking forward: 

I don't have any specific plans for this coming year. However, one change I've been working on this calendar year has been to lighten up on my ratings. Has there truly been a change so far?  Well, yes and no. Yes, I have chosen to go with the benefit of the doubt when on the fence (in other words, no over-thinking).  And no, my thoughts and feelings are still my thoughts and feelings of my experience with the books I read.  It wouldn't be a fair assessment if I randomly gave higher ratings.  So the mind game continues.

I still want to change my header/template, but haven't had time to focus on it.  I guess when it becomes a problem for me, I'll change it.  For now - I've got others things that are keeping me busy.

Other little tidbits:

My Best Reads list has increased by 5 in comparison to last year at this time (yay!), and my total reads is almost the same, so I'm on track to my very loose goal of 104 books for the calendar year.  

Final blogiversary thoughts:

I love having Thoughts of Joy as a home base for my reading thoughts.  It has been a wonderful hobby, and I've met some great people along the way.  I did not create this blog to be a place of creative reviews or spectacular writing.  It's my place to keep memories of my initial thoughts of the books I read.  More often than not, directly after I finish the last page, I quickly make my way to a computer and type out my reaction.  There is hardly any editing (usually after I post it, I realize something's amiss - grrr), and it usually reflects a frank tone.  Despite all that, I hope you will continue to stop by and comment when you are prompted to do so.  I love to read your thoughts, and I always respond.

Thank you for being a part of my life!


  1. Congratulations! 5 years is a lifetime in the blogging world!

  2. Congrats on 5 years of blogging Joy!! I love how you make your blog your own style and I am always impressed how your succinct reviews are just enough to get your point across. As you know, you, Mary and Suzi influenced me to start my own blog so your blog will always be one that I follow. I have noticed that you've been a bit more generous in your ratings:) I am impressed that your goal is over 100 books, I have never hit that goal. Thanks for being such an honest blogger!

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Has it been 5 years already? Wow. I'm trying to think when I first started reading your posts. Maybe after I began my blog, which won't be 5 until next spring.

    Joy, I've always enjoyed your "no holds barred" style of reviewing. You are a tough grader for sure, but that is very "you" it seems. I know that when you praise a book or give it a really high rating, I need to check it out. And, you and I have connected on some of my favorite mysteries - not all, certainly, but some.

    I'll be hanging around as long as you'll invite me over! Hugs and happy, happy blogversary!!

  4. Bermudaonion ~ It's been fun!

    Bonnie ~ Even though I have made a conscience effort to "lighten up on my ratings," I still have been true to myself. The difference (in relation to more 'best reads' at this point) is that I've started reading more of my favorite genres. So my claim to rating nicer is a bit misleading, but that was NOT intentional. It just so happens that I've gone to books that I really enjoy. It makes sense that my ratings would be lower when I read books in genres I don't like! That's nothing against the authors, I don't like the genres. So . . . I guess I should rephrase my plan to state that I will try to refrain from reading too far outside my preferred genres. However, that poses a problem because I have to read outside my genre for variety purposes. Unfortunately, I've never been a good random book chooser and end up with books I simply find boring. Good ratings or not, I love reading, so that will continue.

    Sorry about the ramble. Your comment made me think. :)

    I'm so glad you joined us in bloggerville! Our lack of common book choices prevents a lot of commenting, but I'm grateful that you'll continue to be a reader of Thoughts of Joy. I read yours - every post! :)

    Are you ready to go back to work? Ahhh, I didn't really bring up the "w" word, did I? :) I won't be going back until November, I think. The job I have is government funded and monies don't get released until then. So, I still have some free time ahead of me!

  5. Kay ~ I don't know when I found you either, but I remember loving your blog from the start - still do!

    I know a blogger that is hilarious in her posts. I find her extremely funny, sarcastic and she doesn't hold anything back. I asked her once about her real life (outside of blogging) and she said that she did not talk or act anything like what she posts - even though her posts are all about her. I feel like that with my blog. Even though they are my true, honest feelings, they are not who I am as a person. They are a part of me, but I do not just consist of short, concise blurbs. I write that way just for the sake of keeping it short (I do not want to make posts writing assignments) and clear for those who want to know the basics. My thoughts about the books are simply a record of my thoughts on the individual books.

    As for being a tough grader, I have been told that my whole life. High expectations? Maybe. I think it's just part of my nature. It truly has been helpful in motivating my students. :)

    You are one of the handful of bloggers that I trust with book recommendations. I think we have more in common in our book tastes than we realize.

    You have a standing invite! :)

    Christa ~ Thank you so much!

  6. Joy, that makes sense that your ratings on books would be higher in the genres that you enjoy. I know what you mean, I've been reading more books in my favorite genres and it's made a difference in my reviews and my enjoyment in reading. As you said, it's nothing against the authors it's that we have interests in different genres. We do have a difference in reading preferences but I always enjoy stopping by to see what you're reading. I may not always comment but I always check your posts!

    I'm enjoying my summer off, that's for sure. I'm not ready to go back. I work for a contract company and they have not heard a final decision if we will have a contract with the same district this fall. It's coming up soon so I hope that we hear good news! Lucky you to be off until November, enjoy your time!

  7. Bonnie ~ My fingers are crossed for you! :) This is my third year in this position, and I have no complaints!

  8. It's hard to believe it's been five years already, but then I feel as if I've known you a lot longer! I always enjoy your reviews and am eager to read those highly rated books since we have similar tastes. For the most part. ;) I hope you continue blogging for many more years. Visiting your site is part of my morning routine and I'm so happy to have come to know you. To my reading twin and dear friend, Happy Blogiversary!

  9. Les ~ I agree. For the most part we do have similar tastes, and I'm grateful! It's wonderful to have recommendations from a trusted blogger friend. :) Thanks for your friendship, in general. It means a lot to me.

  10. FIVE years WOW! I can imagine just how your blog and reading choices have changed since you first started blogging. I hope you continue and find pleasure in blogging for years to come.

  11. Diane ~ It's amazing how much Thoughts of Joy has become a part of my everyday life. I can't imagine not blogging!

  12. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Wow, 5 years! I'm so glad to be a regular reader. I love your honest thoughts and think your tough ratings are okay. I appreciate your high marks for a book even more.

  13. Stacybuckeye ~ I'm glad, too! :)

  14. ack, I almost forgot to come back and comment. Congrats on 5 years!

    I'm glad you are reading more mysteries and thrillers, because so am I, and then I am getting more reccs. We both got swayed by other types of books, and there are some good ones, but mysteries are so much more comforting.
    I like your review guidelines, because when you like a book, I trust it. I'm glad you are still blogging.

    Enjoy our extended summer. How are you liking Big Brother? It's ok so far.

  15. Raidergirl3 ~ Thank you!

    We definitely share a love for mysteries/thrillers, so I'm glad you're reading more, too! :) I have a stack of "have-to-reads" (commitment-based), but I can't wait to get to Nesbo. I'm not waiting for them, but I keep hoping that with every passing day, #1 and #2 will be translated.

    I agree. BB is just okay. I wouldn't miss it, but I'm not super excited to see it either. I think the rug was pulled out from under us with E.D.'s leaving. Rachel makes me crazy and everybody else seems to be a little blasé. Maybe the veterans wasn't a good idea after all. Idk. Those that get the golden key have been non-existent.

  16. 5 years?? Wow!! I'm so glad that I found your blog as I've read some great reviews that made me want to grab that book immediately. I had to chuckle where you listed that you might try to lighten up on your ratings!! You may throw me for a loop if you do! I know that if it received 4.5/5 from you that I'm sure to love it!!! I love your honest and straight-to-the-point reviews...they're one of my favorites!! Keep on reading and blogging and here's to many more years!!

  17. Staci ~ Hey to my Michigander blogging bud!!! :) Thanks for the kind comments. You have continually been an encouraging force with your comments on individual posts. I appreciate them so much. And don't worry about my ratings. Like I mentioned, there really hasn't been a change - but my mind is set for the challenge when I'm on the fence.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!