Monday, November 14, 2011


Author: Y. S. Lee
Genre: YA Fiction, Mary Quinn Series #1
Published: 2009
Personal Rating: 4/5 (very good)
Format: Audiobook
Yearly Count:  96

From the streets of London in the 1850s, Mary Quinn finds herself rescued from the gallows and taken to an academy for girls.  After years of study, Mary's skills are tested when she is placed in the home of Thorold to gather information about why his ships are sinking in the night.  A murder adds to the seriousness of the situation.    

This reminded me of a YA version of the Maisie Dobbs (Winspear) series (my thoughts), which is one that I thoroughly enjoy. This first in the Mary Quinn series was very engaging.  I loved the historical details and the plot.  I did have some little quibbles here and there, but nothing too serious. I like that Mary had a sketchy childhood, because it added to her edginess and provided her with street smart skills she needed.  I will definitely read the next in the series titled The Body at the Tower (2010).

Recommended By: Nicola from Back to Books


  1. Anonymous12:05 AM

    I'm always on the lookout for a new series!

  2. Stacybuckeye ~ If you like Maisie Dobbs and YA, you should enjoy this.

  3. I'm pretty darn excited that you liked this one because it's been on must read list for a while!

  4. I really enjoyed this one when I read it as well. I'm really looking forward to reading the 2nd book as well...hopefully soon :)

  5. Staci ~ Oh good! It's great to have confirmation.

    Samantha.1020 ~ I don't remember your review. I'll have to come by and see what you had to say. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!