Tuesday, July 16, 2013

7 Years!!! Yep! 7 Years!!! WOW!

Happy Blogiversary to ME!  :)

I'm really surprised that I have been blogging for 7 years.  When I began Thoughts of Joy, I never thought how long I would continue posting my bookish thoughts, but 7 years sure seems like a long time.  Interestingly enough, I've been blogging long enough to say that I miss the old days.  I miss the book banter through blogs.  A lot of the communication has shifted to twitter, and I'm just not into that, so I miss a lot.  My choice, but still sad.  My thanks and deepest gratitude go to those who still comment here (you know who you are!).  It means the world to me, and I appreciate every one of you!

Reading-wise, I haven't had a lot of great reading.  There have been books that I've really enjoyed, but I just haven't been mesmerized or gobbled up by the words as I like to be.  I'll keep trying.  I know that book is just around the corner!

Thanks for stopping by and being a part of my world! 



  1. Wow! 7 years!! Congratulations! You were one of my first book blogs! I just counted and it will be 6 years for me this year ...

    I don't *do* twitter either. Oh I post links to my reviews but that's it. It drives traffic. However, I wouldn't have a clue how to have a conversation there and am not interested either. Not my thing. I know what you mean about missing the old days ... I'm finding goodreads a good place to have conversations and comments.

    1. Nicola ~ I like Goodreads a lot. I do comment every now and again, but I could use that site a lot more. Thanks for the suggestion! :) And, thanks for being a blogging buddy!

  2. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Seven years!!! I am still hanging in there also but I haven't been as stable in my blogging formats as you ;)....I always keep track of what you're reading and I take your good to absolutely outstanding recommendations to the library with me...I think you are the greatest!! Happy blogiversary!!!

    1. Danielle ~ I lost track of you and have missed reading about you and your family! l'll stop by your blog for a visit to see what new endeavor you are pursuing now! :) I'm SO delighted that you popped in today. Thank you for your kind words.

  3. Wowsa! Congratulations...that is such an AMAZING accomplishment!!!! I've always loved visiting your blog and reading your honest thoughts on books. You never hesitate to share why you like (or didn't like) a book and I've added plenty of books to my TBR thanks to you :)

    1. Samantha.1020 ~ Thank you! I've picked up some recommendations from your blog as well. And, btw - it's nice to see you posting more often again. :)

  4. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Happy blogiversary Joy!

    Have you read THE STORY OF BEAUTIFUL GIRL by Rachel Simon? I absolutely loved it! That might be the book you are searching for!

    1. Lynne ~ Thank you, Lynne!

      I literally just uploaded The Story of Beautiful Girl into my iTunes yesterday!!! I planned on listening to it soon (after another book or two). Now I can't wait! :) Thank you so much for your seal of approval. It means a lot.

  5. Happy 7th to my almost blogging twin!!

    1. SuziQoregon ~ Thank you! Once you told me about it, I didn't wait long to jump on board! :) Can you believe it's been 7 years!?!

  6. Happy happy bloggiversary Joy! Like some of the others voiced, yours was one of the first I discovered and while I do miss the good old days of book blogging (I do love twitter but sometimes it can be downright appalling), I'm glad that you're still around.

    Wish I could recommend a great book for you. I just finished Owen Meany and LOVED it, but it's a biggen!

    1. Trish ~ Thank you, Trish! I think I have the audio version of Owen Meany, but I'm not positive. I'm really not a fan of chunksters, so that's the best way for me to "read" it. I've only heard great things about it, but for some reason it just hasn't called to me yet.

  7. Anonymous1:07 AM

    That's an amazing number, Joy! I love reading your thoughts, especially because I know that you don't sugarcoat the ones you don't care for. I think the blogging community needs a bit more of that :) Here's to another 7!

    1. Stacybuckeye ~ I really do try to capture my initial thoughts. Sometimes that isn't the best policy, but that's how I roll. :)

  8. Congrats on 7 years! I prefer chatting on the blog too. I have a twitter account but I don't log in every day and only have occasional conversations there.

    1. Leslie ~ Thank you! I had to sign up for an account for some promotion or another, but I only kept it for a couple weeks and didn't get into it.

  9. Happy 7 Years of blogging!!! Time sure does go by fast when you have a journal to reflect back upon! Twitter is hard to use in my opinion and I would rather trade emails about books than be limited to a certain number of characters!!!

    1. Staci ~ Thank you! I refer to my blog (journal) often for myself and for others. It's got so many benefits.

      Hope you're enjoying your summer. I have a three day training next week. I'm NOT looking forward to it. :(

    2. Staci ~ Update: I wasn't looking forward to it (who wants to go to a conference in the middle of summer!), but it was fabulous! :)

  10. Happy Belated Blogiversary, dear friend!!! Once again, I'm late to the party. Still trying to get used to Bloglovin' and having a tough time keeping up with all my favorite blogs, not to mention my own.

    I don't remember when we met, but yours is one of my favorites and I, too, miss the "old days." ;) I'm on Twitter, but only jump into a conversation here or there with a couple of friends. Might be easier if I was near my phone or computer during the day, but I'm pretty much unplugged until after work.

    Here's to many more years of great books and friendship.


    1. Les ~ Thank you! I told someone new at work about my blog and her eyes popped out when I said it has been 7 years.

      I use Feedly and love it!

      I don't remember when we met either, but remember being astonished at how much effort you put into your reviews. (quite impressive!) Didn't think a prolific blogger would care to read my brief, raw thoughts, but SO glad you do!!! Love our connection with thrillers (CODY - we are shouting out to YOU) and can count on your honest opinions.

      Thanks for your friendship. It's treasured. :)

    2. Well, my reviews are few and far between these days, but thanks! :)

      I'm getting used to Bloglovin' and feel like I'm finally able to keep up with my favorite bloggers. Yay!

  11. Sorry I am late to the party - but congrats! Wow 7 years! I love that your blog reviews are concise :)

    1. Christa ~ No problem - glad you came! :) And, thank you! Sometimes I get a little chatty, but for the most part I stick to my initial thoughts.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!