Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Author:  Haylie Pomroy
Genre:  Non-Fiction, Standalone
Published:  2013
Personal Rating:  4.5/5 (excellent)
Format:  eBook
Yearly Count:  42

This diet consists of 3 Phases:

Phase 1 (Monday-Tuesday):  Lots of carbs and fruits
Phase 2 (Wednesday-Thursday):  Lots of protein and veggies
Phase 3 (Friday-Sunday):  All of the above, plus healthy fats and oils

The diet is designed to heal and revitalize your metabolism in 28 days.

I find the idea of this diet, which Pomroy likes to use the word diet as Did You Eat Today?, to be very doable for me.  I don't have much weight to lose, but feel that it'll make me healthier and who couldn't use a raging metabolism?!  :)

Thoughts of Joy


  1. I read/glanced though this last fall. It looks doable for sure. I've been thinking about it too. It's that aging and what it does to your metabolism, ugh!

    1. Raidergirl3 ~ Yep! :( I've implemented several little parts of the plan this week as I've been reading (i.e.: eating within 30 mins of waking, drinking more water, etc.), but I'm going to actually start on Monday. FYI . . . it's only $3.99 for the eBook and you can print the charts from her site online.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!