Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Author:  David Benioff
Genre:  Historical Fiction, Standalone
Published:  2008
Personal Rating:  3.75/5 (better than good)
Yearly Count:  89

During the siege of Leningrad, two males are taken into custody by the Red Army and are accused of specific crimes.  Instead of the due execution, the Colonel has given them a major task to complete in a limited amount of time.  The story is told from the 17-year-old's point of view. 

It's very rare that I don't love a book that is about WWII, so I'm a little disappointed - even though I thought it was good.  I suppose my expectations were set too high.  The walk (literal) takes one through a slew of emotions, but that didn't make or break my experience.  I think if the coming-of-age or boy talk was toned down a bit, I may have enjoyed it more.  It wasn't at the annoying level, but it was beginning to wear on me. I did enjoy the interaction between the two main characters and seeing another perspective of the war, but I didn't find it to be as good as others I have read on the same topic. 


  1. Sorry you didn't like this one more - my husband loved it.

  2. Bermudaonion ~ I can see how others may really love this book - especially males. I think they can relate more than I. :)

  3. I'm with Kathy's husband...I loved this one to pieces.

  4. Oh, no! I've heard such good things about this one and have been meaning to read it myself. Well, maybe this will be another case of us agreeing to disagree. ;)

  5. Staci ~ We both have rated it a 4 on Goodreads, so we are not too far off. :)

    Les ~ What's to disagree about? I rated it almost a 4! :) Ultimately, I think it boiled down to my mood not being able to tolerate the continual boy talk. I still wouldn't have rated it higher than a 4 though, even if I could. I've read better. Now you must read this soon. I'm curious as to your reaction.

  6. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Thanks! for sharing about this one.

  7. Tribute Books Mama ~ Welcome to Thoughts of Joy! Have you read it?

  8. Without going back to my review I can't remember exactly what I thought of this one. Like you, though, I remember being disappointed as it seemed to get so much hype. And the coming of age thing got on my nerves a bit, too. It just didn't seem to have the emotional pull that so many WWII books have, you know?

  9. Trish ~ I stopped by your review (3.5/5), and it seems like we pretty much were on the same page. I think because of the goofy coming-of-age stuff, some of the seriousness was taken from the event and that was missing for me. Seriousness equating to emotional pull.

  10. I have this one on my shelf to read. Somewhere. It may end up in a box soon to be read after we've moved. I am glad you enjoyed this even if wasn't as good as you hoped.

  11. Literary Feline ~ Yep, I still think it's a worthy read.

    I don't envy you moving a library; however, I think change can be fun and exciting. You are not just moving, though. You are packing up your life as you know it and beginning a whole knew one! All my best to you, Wendy.

  12. Oops! New, not knew. :)


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