Saturday, March 17, 2007

Spring Reading Thing Challenge


Sponsored by: Callapidder Days
(March 21 - June 21)
Finished on 4-28-07

By the Lake (McGahern)
Finished on 4-14-07

Finished on 6-12-07
Finished on 6-25-07

*Clicking on a title will link you to "Thoughts of Joy..."


  1. I think I'm too ambitious with my reading these days. Can I get a job where I just read books? They have to be books I want to read. I didn't think so either. Hrmphf.

    You have some good choices ahead of you. I'll be anxious to read what you think of all three. I've only read Crow Lake of those you mentioned and I thought it was good, although it took a while for me to get into.

  2. Literary Feline ~ Amy from The Sleepy Reader mentioned in her post that we needed 5 did I miss that!?! Fortunately, I had NO PROBLEM adding 2 more! :)

  3. This was accidently posted on the wrong post:

    Literary Feline said...

    I'm asking for clarification about the number, Joy. There's a bit under Other Odds and Ends titled There's no pressure whatsoever where it says "If you know this spring is going to be crazy for you and you think you can only list two or three books? That's perfectly okay."

    If she wants no more than five, I'll add another one and just reword my statement about the books I'm already committed to.

    Moloka'i is on my TBR Challenge list. I'm looking forward to reading it. We'll have to compare notes.

  4. Literary Feline ~ Thanks for asking for clarification. If it's like I thought originally, I will just make the two I added "alternates", so I have less pressure. :)

    I'm thinking this is where Amy got her info from: "Do you have five books that you've started but haven't finished?". It's in the very beginning of the post.

    I look forward to hearing your response.

  5. Literary Feline ~ As you can see, I got the answer. I'm back to my original list, but now I have alternates or add-ons as it might turn out to be. :) Thanks again for looking into that.

    I'll stop by Amy's blog to inform her.

  6. I'm so bad about that, Joy! Sorry and thanks for moving my post to the write thread.

    Katrina's fast! Her response to my question: "Sorry about the confusion. Your list can be as long or as short as you'd like! The "five" in my opening was just a hypothetical number I threw in there. My list is hovering around 10 right now, but it might grow by Wednesday. :)"

    So, our original guess was right. :-)

  7. I must have been typing as you were posting! Haha

  8. I just noticed I'm using the wrong words too! Write instead of right. Ugh! It's my cat's fault. I was up until 3 a.m. and he had me up this morning at 7 a.m. I could use a little more sleep.

  9. Literary Feline ~ That's okay...I understood you. :) I couldn't think of the 'right' word for 'thread' and put 'post', but I have no excuse.

  10. I didn't even notice. I think post is appropriate too though.

  11. Joy & LF- Thanks for letting me know what's going on with the Spring Thing Challenge. I have decided to keep it at 5 books but will be swapping out a title since visiting "Musings of a Bookish Kitty." :D

  12. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I haven't read any of those on your list, Joy. I think that's the most fun part of the challenges, reading about all these other books!

    I......think I'm going to skip the Spring Challenge. So far. I still have to come up with five books for your non fiction challenge. Not that that's going to be a challenge, it'll be reading them! Think it's fair to put The Blank Slate and 1968 on the list? They've been on at least two or three other challenges and I STILL haven't finished them!

  13. Amy ~'s always nice to get new ideas! :)

    Carrie ~ Regarding the two books you mentioned...sure, why not!?! As long as they are non-fiction, they qualify. :)

  14. This was accidently posted on the wrong thread:

    Wendy said...
    Thanks for stopping by my're right, we're hopelessly addicted to these things! Gives me a chance to whittle down my TBR stack a little; although the number of books I have to read in the next few months is almost too much *laughs*


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!