Saturday, March 17, 2007

By the Decades Challenge


Sponsored by: 3M
(consecutive decades/2007)

Finished on 7-15-07

Finished on 6-18-07

Finished on 1-27-07

Finished on 5-14-07

Finished on 1-14-07

Finished on 1-7-07

Finished on 1-1-07

Finished on 10-3-07

*Rules of Prey (Sandford) ~ 1989
Finished on 3-31-07

Finished on 8-25-07

Finished on 3-7-07

*Clicking on a title will link you to "Thoughts of Joy..."


  1. Glad to have you on the challenge, Joy! I don't have a button yet. Maybe somebody creative can come up with one for it.

    You're almost halfway done already! I knew it would be easy for most of us. :)

  2. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Nice list!

  3. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Joy - I'm "borrowing" the button you posted.

    Now aren't you glad you read those classics?

  4. 3M ~ I'm so glad we can count books already read this year! Most of them were very tough for me to read. :)

    Anonymous ~ Thank you!

    Lynne ~ I'm hoping that the button is a temporary one.

    And, yes...I'm very glad that those dreaded classics are able to count for more than drudgery. LOL I've actually chosen the classic THE GOOD EARTH as my 1930 pick. Supposedly it's a good one. We'll see. *smirk*

  5. Good list, Joy! I almost left off 1900 because I couldn't find a book that interested me (I've read Heart of Darkness and wasn't intereted in rereading it and I couldn't get through Sister Carrie so many years ago when I tried it the first two times). Then I discovered Arthur Conan Doyle's book. :-) That's the only book on my list I do not own. I was able to pull directly from my TBR shelves for every other book.

  6. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Oh dang, that anonymous was me. Usually I have to put in that word verification 800 times but yesterday it was flying through.

    My 1900 book so far is The Secret Garden. 1909.

    Literary, Feline, you couldn't get into Sister Carrie? With such a fabulous name? Yeah, me either. I think I tried to read it too early.

    Joy, I really liked The Good Earth when I read it, but it has been awhile.

  7. Literary Feline ~ That's great that you are getting them all from your shelves! I use the library, so it makes no difference to me.

    Carrie ~ I'll have to come see your list. I hope The Good Earth is enjoyable. I'm a bit skeptical being that it's a "classic". :)

  8. Oh, I was just coming over to tell you I made a button. I like yours! You don't have to use mine.

  9. I added your button to the challenge site. Hope that's okay!

  10. 3M ~ That's fine, but I was thinking mine was going to be temporary. :)

    I have one for the Book Awards Yahoo site that you might want. I copied it from somewhere. ??? I just removed it over the weekend because I wasn't doing the March read. I will get back to you on that tomorrow; I have a long day today.

  11. Okay, Joy, I bet everyone can tell I'm not used to hosting challenges! I have a final button that I like now, but I'd still like to use yours because it has color whereas mine is just black and white.

    Thanks for your patience!

  12. 3M ~ You're doing a GREAT job...what are you talking about!?! Not only the challenge, but the Book Awards group is going along wonderfully. Thank you for all you are doing. You're making our reading life even more enjoyable. :)

    I found the image I was using for the Book Awards group. It's at It's the blue square one with yellow in the middle and "Book Awards" on it. I liked it because it didn't denote any particular award. :) Just thought you might be interested.

  13. I really enjoyed "Baskervilles." I look forward to your review. I must have missed the part about counting books we had already read this year. Well, that's okay, I get to read more!!! Or maybe I'll take another look at my list.

  14. Framed ~ Oh good...another positive review for Baskervilles! I was very thankful to be able to use those classics again! :)

  15. I have a place for reviews now at the top of the challenge site. It's not required, though!

  16. Congratulations on finishing, Joy! You're name will be entered 11 times in the drawing!

  17. YOUR name, not you're name. Sheesh, and I'm one to complain about grammar mistakes.

  18. 3M ~ LOL We all do it at some point or another. Although, I hate when I find an error well after the fact. BUT...oh well, it happens. I fix them when I see them.

  19. Congratulations!! I'm making up a list for 3M's Decades 2008 Challenge. Your list has given me some great ideas.

  20. Framed ~ Thank you! I enjoyed this one enough to consider doing it again in 2008. I've got a list in progress. I look forward to seeing yours. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!