Sunday, February 28, 2010


Author: Patrick Ness
Genre: YA Sci-Fi Thriller, Series #1
Published: 2008
Personal Rating: 1.5/5 (better than don't bother)
Yearly Count: 17

Twelve-year-old Todd Hewitt lives on a planet where there are no women and all thoughts (called Noise) can be heard by all men and animals. Todd runs across a hole in the Noise and begins his discovery of chaos.

Ugh. I can't believe I finished this book. I didn't finish because I wanted to know what was going to happen, but because I realized I was quickly well over 100 pages (YA fast read) and decided I wanted to count the book. Yep - that's the real reason. Unfortunately, I should have followed my instincts when I read the very first sentence. Oi ya yoi ya yoi.

The only good thing about the book was that it had a sense of adventure. That's it. That's why it got a 1.5 instead of a 1. The entire book was filled with violence and swearing and negativity. I will not be reading any further in the series. It is simply: Not. For. Me.

(in search of a 2010 best read)


  1. Aw, that's too bad. I liked this, not loved it, but I'd read the next one. When you know, you know.

    I loved Major Pettigrew's Last Stand, it's a new 2010 release - this week I think. Gentle little romance in English village.

  2. After I read a bunch of great reviews on this I checked it out for my son- the intended market audience and he didn't like it all. He thought it was hard to follow!

    Loved your review on this totally made me smile! :0

  3. I'm not sure this is for me either if it's full of violence, swearing and negativity. Thanks for your review.

  4. I had heard such good things about this book. Not sure whether i will read it or not now.

  5. I'm kind of relieved to hear that someone hated this book. I bought a copy after reading tons of gushy reviews and didn't get past page 50. I'll give it one more shot, but only because I paid good money for it.

  6. I had a similar reaction to you. I didn't object to the swearing and violence, but didn't enjoy the fast pace, multiple voices and writing style. It is good to know I'm not alone in my thoughts of it.

  7. Oh boy, oh boy. I haven't read this yet but will keep your thoughts in mind. I also don't like a lot of swearing in YA books.


    Raidergirl3 ~ LOL Yes, I know for sure about this one. :)

    Thanks for the tip on Major Pettigrew's. I actually have the ARC on my TBR Shelf. I'm so glad to hear you loved it. That's encouraging.

    Staci ~ I didn't find it hard to follow, but everything about it oozed blah. My favorite type of books are thrillers/suspense, so I read a lot of gruesome scenes and swear words. Some have hit me in the core of my being, but the books as a whole were fabulous - great plot, character, conclusion, etc. That did not take place in this book. First, it is intended (as you mentioned) to a younger crowd (YA) and I think that's inappropriate. The plot has a younger vibe, and that was apparent in some of the scenes. Some seemed like they were just yucky because they could be. The swearing was gratuitous (and childish) and the constant gloom was draining. The characters weren't even all that interesting. Comparing to the latest rage, The Hunger Game series, there isn't a comparison. Totally two different leagues.

    Bermudaonion ~ It's all there. I don't think it's for you either.

    Marg ~ Well, after my bashing, I'm expecting more will want to read it for themselves to find out why I thought it was so bad. So be it. From me to you - I wouldn't waste my time.

    Bookfool ~ Honestly, Bookfool, I don't think you should pick it up again. I really don't.

    Farmlanebooks ~ I'll have to come by and read your thoughts. I'm so curious. The swearing in and of itself didn't bother me - it was the repetition, gratuitous nature and childish delivery. I love reading suspense books, so the fast pace was fine for me.

    Nicola ~ In my opinion, I do not find swearing necessary (at least in abundance) in YA books. It just seemed so trashy.

  9. Hmm, in that case . . . maybe I'll just give mine away. I didn't like the language at all; I already know that much.

  10. Bookfool ~ I don't usually tell people not to read something, but there is one scene for definite sure that I KNOW you would not like. That was my impetus for steering you away.

  11. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Better than don't bother" LOL!

  12. Hmmm, this is on my wish list. Now I am wondering if I want to read it. Thanks for the honest review!

  13. I heard such passionate raves about this book that I ran to the bookstore to pick it up. I haven't started it yet but now you have me even more eager to get to it just to see what the hype is about (or not about). Hmmm...

  14. Missy B. ~ You may love it - ya never know. It just wasn't for me.

    Trish ~ What a wonderful surprise! I LOVE seeing your face! :) :) :) I miss you.

    Like you, I picked it up because of the passionate, positive reviews. I'm very curious as to your reaction. Like I said to Missy - you may love it. It just struck me as blech.

  15. Funny - the first sentence was what got me interested in the first place. I was neither terribly impressed nor terribly unimpressed, but thought it a very average book.

    Loved the first sentence though :)

  16. Maria ~ That is funny! However, that's what makes the world go round. It would be awfully boring if we all liked the same thing. :)


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