Friday, July 23, 2010


Author: Steve Kluger
Genre: YA Fiction Epistolary, Standalone
Published: 2008
Personal Rating: 3/5 (just okay)
Yearly Count: 64

The light shines upon three high school students who have been given an assignment to begin a "diary" while studying about Anne Frank. The story is told through diary entries, emails, notes and instant messages.

I loved Last Days of Summer and probably would have enjoyed this one much more had I been a movie/movie star, theater fan. One of the characters (Augie) is obsessed with movies and acting, so that theme permeates the book. I am not well-versed in that area; however, I knew who everybody was and knew of their character, but just couldn't relate to Augie's fixation.

The interaction between all the characters was fun, and I enjoyed them as a whole. Although, the real intrigue was the format; I love epistolary novels and this one incorporated many forms.


  1. I have a feeling I'd like this one more than you did.

  2. I've read a lot of good thoughts on this one. May have to pick it up one of these days!

  3. Bermudaonion ~ Probably. :)

    Staci ~ I vote for Last Days of Summer over this one. *grin*

  4. I glanced at this a year or so ago, but something made me hesitate and I decided to skip it. I loved Last Days of Summer, but this just didn't appeal to me. You know how much I love a good epistolary, but the whole movie theme isn't very interesting to me, either. Thanks for the review. :)

  5. Les ~ If you're not interested in the movie theme, then I don't think you'd love this one. You'd probably think it was okay due to the style, but there are so many other books we can get our hands on that interest us more.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!