Friday, February 29, 2008

^ Children's Book
* Short Story (not counted)
~ Young Reader (not counted)

Clicking on a title will link you to "Thoughts of Joy...".


  1. I never cease to be impressed by your monthly round-ups! You not only manage to read a lot, you manage to read such a nice variety. How does it feel to put on a pedestal, by the way?

  2. Debi ~ The diversity is driven by the challenges, which is what I love about participating in them. :)

    As for the pedestal, there is good and bad to that. The good is that compliments lift the spirit. The bad is there's only one place left to go . . . down.

    Seriously, I appreciate you, Debi. The blogosphere is just like any workplace or community (some people like you and some people don't),so it's always a pleasure to meet someone like you. :)

  3. Wow, Joy. You had a great month. I only managed to finish 3 books in February. The Winter Rose took up most of the month!

  4. Les ~ I read maybe 50 pages of The Winter Rose and decided I just couldn't do it. It has been removed from my challenges. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!