Thursday, December 31, 2009


* Short Story (not counted)
BOLD titles made my Best Reads List

Clicking on a title will link you to "Thoughts of Joy...".

~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~

Monthly - Yearly Genre Stats:

Chick-Lit: 0 - 5
Classic: 0 - 1
Fiction: 3 - 35
Memoir: 1 - 8
Mystery: 0 - 21
Non-Fiction: 0 - 2
Non-Fiction Graphic Novel: 0 - 1
Short Story Collection: 0 - 5
Thriller: 1 - 24
True Crime: 0 - 2

YA Classic: 0 - 1
YA Fiction: 0 - 20
YA Graphic Novel: 0 - 4
YA Non-Fiction: 0 - 1
YA Science Fiction: 0 - 7

Children's Historical Fiction: 0 - 1
Children's Thriller: 0 - 1
Children's Sci-Fi/Fantasy: 0 - 4

Short Stories: 2 - 62

Audiobooks: 3 - 83
Books: 2 - 60
Total: 5 - 143

Best Reads: 1 - 17

Series: 1 - 51

DNF: 0 - 6


  1. Good reading for the month and for the year!!

  2. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Joy, I'm glad to see a post from you. I hope you have had a lovely New Year's Day. I wish that you will have much "joy" and contentment in 2010, and some great books!!!

    I've started my blog up again, so stop by and see me. Take care!

  3. I enjoyed Labor Day and Slay Ride when I read them (hope u did too).

  4. Nice list! Happy new year.

  5. Vickie ~ I still need to get my End of the Year post up. Grrrr

    Kay ~ Now, you are back and I'm hardly around. Go figure! I'm having a very difficult time juggling all that life encompasses, so for now I'm doing my best to keep posting my thoughts when I finish a book. And for the most part, those books have been audiobooks. I just do not have any time to read! I hope you are enjoying your return to blogging. I can say that I miss it immensely.

    Diane ~ Yep! I enjoyed them both very much.

    Beth ~ Happy New Year to you, too! Thanks for stopping by.


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!