Saturday, January 31, 2009

January Reads

* Short Story (not counted)
BOLD titles made my Best Reads List

Clicking on a title will link you to "Thoughts of Joy...".

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Monthly Genre Stats:

Fiction: 5
Mystery: 3
Non-Fiction Graphic Novel: 1
Thriller: 3

YA Classic: 1
YA Fiction: 1
YA Non-Fiction: 1

Short Stories: 5

Audiobooks: 10
Books: 5
Total: 15

Best Reads: 3

Series: 6


  1. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Great list. :) I have got to get my list posted!

  2. You did well this month. I've read Jar City and have copies of North River and Blindness to look forward to. I've read and left comments on those three reviews. Happy reading in February.

  3. Wow, that's quite the list Joy. You did good! I hope February will be a productive month in reading too.

  4. Holy smokes - 15 books plus several short stories! Jan. was a great month for you, Joy.

  5. J. Kaye ~ Thanks. I started something new (for myself) at the bottom of the post titled Monthly Genre Stats. That is to help me vary my reading. Without challenges, it's easy to slip into my comfort zone. However, my comfort zone has expanded tremendously, so I'm not a fish out of water too often anymore. :)

    Sandra ~ Thanks, Sandra. I'll be responding soon.

    Dar ~ Yeah, me too. :)

    Booklogged ~ I believe 2/3 of the books were audios. (I'm so happy to be able to listen while I work.) For years now, all I strive for is to read an average of one book a week, so if I make that in the handheld versions - I'm good.

  6. Wow...another great reading month for you!!! Oh, what I would do for one month like that. Of course, that ain't ever gonna happen if I don't get off this dang computer!

  7. Debi ~ The computer does take away a lot of reading time - for sure! Balance, balance, balance - such a tough concept to master, huh?

  8. Wow - you did great! Here's wishing you another good reading month :)

  9. Iliana ~ Thanks. I'm hoping for some "Best Reads!" :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!