Sunday, January 07, 2007



I have completed my personal challenge of "New-to-Me" Author-Based A ~ Z Reads. I have read 26 new-to-me authors in the last three months and have several that I will be seeking out for seconds! Five books from this challenge made it to my
BEST READS of 2006, which are indicated by the orange letter and bold title.

Collectively with my TITLE-BASED READS
I have spent 6 months (and one week) with these personal challenges and really enjoyed the variety I encountered. I especially liked how both challenges stretched me in seeking genres that I normally wouldn't give the time of day. While there have been some definite "duds", there are many that I am so glad I read, even if they didn't make my BEST READS of 2006. I am very pleased with my accomplishment ("duds" included) and plan on doing another A ~ Z related challenge in the future.

My thanks, once again, go to Suziqoregon at
Blogging My Books. She introduced me to the A ~ Z Reads and I adapted it to fit my personal desires. I appreciate Suzi sharing the idea because overall, it has been a great deal of should try it!

*Clicking on an author/title will link you to
"Thoughts of Joy..."


  1. Joy, you, SuziQ and Framed all inspire me. Some day in the not to distant future I'm going to do an alphabet read. I made a list in Oct or Nov, but was not ready to commit. But I can feel my mindset getting ready.

    Congratulations on finishing your challenge. Isn't this the 2nd time you've completed an alphabetical list of authors?

  2. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Joy - Great job! I might have to try this some day.

  3. Woo Hoo and Congrats to you!! Glad you enjoyed the experience.

  4. Congrats, Joy. You've inspired at least a couple of people of duplicate your feat, that must make your accomplishment all the sweeter. Kudos.

  5. Ooooo! Wonderful news, Joy! Congratulations!

  6. Booklogged ~ Nope, this was my first author-based alphabet challenge. I look forward to seeing your choices.

    Suzi ~ Thanks!

    Kookie ~ I hope that those who choose to do an A ~ Z challenge enjoy it as much as I did.

    Literary Feline ~ Thank you!

  7. That's great reading! I do love that idea Joy, and I'm going to tuck it away in my mind, maybe for the second half of the year, when there aren't so many challenges about.

  8. Lazy Cow ~ Sounds good! I look forward to seeing your choices. :)

  9. Thanks again to you and SuzieQ for getting me onto this challenge. I took books from your lists to make mine. Just finished my "M" author, but I'm slowing down on the A to Z challenge to take on three other challenges. Isn't reading great?? You have a few titles here that I am going to be looking into more closely. Great list.

  10. Framed ~ I'm so glad your enjoying the A ~ Z Challenge. I've been keeping an eye on you; you're doing terrific! :) And YES! Reading is great!

  11. Congrats! This is a great accomplishment! :D


Thank you for taking the time to comment. :)

I hope you have a great day and ...
Happy Reading!